BFC Conference 2018


The BFC 2018 Conference will take place on Friday 9th November (full day) and Saturday 10th November (half day, until 1.00pm).

Registration fees:

  • Speakers: CHF 120.-
  • Regular participant (external): CHF 140.-
  • Student (external) : CHF 80.-
  • Student (internal – UNIGE only): CHF 0.-
  • Regular participant (internal – UNIGE only): CHF 0.-

The registration fee includes: "Participant kit", coffee breaks (2 days of the conference) and the conference reception (Friday evening).

The registration can be only made online and it will be open from 19th September 2018 until 19th October 2018 (23:59 CET).

In order to complete your registration, you need to go through both steps (registration form and payment) at the same time. If you decide to proceed with the payment on a different day, you will need to fill in the registration form again.

Important note:

The languages of the conference are English and French. Real time captioning will be provided for each oral presentation. During the three keynote lectures, interpretation into Swiss-French Sign Language (LSF-CH) will also be provided.

Register for the BFC Conference 2018 (English)    |    M'inscrire à la Conférence BFC 2018 (français)