
2017 (months M6-M12)

Project Leader Prof. Dr. Susanne Jekat during the conference opening session

1st Swiss Conference on Barrier-free Communication: Methods and Products

The conference "Barrier-free Communication: Methods and Products" took place last 15 and 16 September 2017 at the School of Applied Linguistics of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) in Winterthur, Switzerland.

Presentations revolved around five main research topics: audio description, easy-to-read and plain language, subtitling, web accessibility and sign language. The full programme, the book of abstracts and the official pictures of the event are available at the conference main website.


Dr. Silvia Rodriguez Vazquez giving her talk at the MT Summit 2017

Machine Translation Post-Editing Tools for Visually Impaired Translators

Dr. Silvia Rodríguez Vázquez has presented a paper co-authored with Dr. Sharon O'Brien (DCU) and Dr. Dónal Fitzpatrick (DCU) entitled Usability of web-based MT post-editing environments for screen reader users at the MT Summit XVI, which took place in Nagoya, Japan, between 18th and 22nd September 2017.