BFC Conference 2018

Keynote Speakers

Meet our confirmed Keynote Speakers!

Sarah Ebling

University of Applied Sciences of Special Needs Education (HfH), Zurich, Switzerland

ebling.jpgDr. Sarah Ebling is a lecturer and research associate at the University of Zurich and the University of Applied Sciences of Special Needs Education Zurich (HfH). Her focus in research and teaching is on the contribution of language technology to accessibility. Her PhD work dealt with automatic sign language translation and animation. She is currently coordinating a subproject of an Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Sinergia Project centering around sign language recognition and sign language assessment.

Keynote: "Sign Language Technology in Educational Settings"

dónal fitzpatrick

School of Computing, Dublin City University (DCU), Ireland

Dr. Dónal Fitzpatrick is a lecturer in the School of Computing, Dublin City University.  His research interests are in the domain of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), with a particular focus on usability and accessibility of interactive systems.  Dónal has worked for many years on research into increasing the accessibility of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) content.  He is the recipient of many national and international grants, and is widely published in the area.

Keynote: "The Inclusive Classroom: Perspectives of a Blind Academic"

klaus schubert

University of Hildesheim, Germany

KlausSchubert.JPG Klaus Schubert is a professor of applied linguistics/international specialized communication at the University of Hildesheim (Germany). He was a sociolinguist at the University of Kiel (Germany), a computational linguist and project leader at the research department of the software house BSO/Buro voor Systeemontwikkeling BV in Utrecht (Netherlands) and a consultant and technical manager at BSO/Language Technology BV in Baarn (Netherlands). For many years he served as a Professor of computational linguistics and technical communication at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences in Flensburg (Germany). His main research areas include: applied linguistics, translation studies, specialized communication studies, interlinguistics.

Keynote: "Barriers: types and remedies"