ZHAW - School of Applied Linguistics

Alexa Lintner

Alexa Lintner

Research Associate



Alexa Lintner is a Research Associate in Accessibility Studies at the ZHAW Institute of Translation and Interpreting. In 2018, she completed her MA degree in Applied Linguistics (Specialisation in Professional Translation) at the ZHAW. Her MA thesis, which investigated audio description of documentary films, was awarded the «Lionbridge Award 2018 for an outstanding Master thesis» (former CLS Award). At the ZHAW, she also obtained her BA degree in Applied Languages in 2016. Her undergraduate thesis focused on how gender-neutral writing is implemented in Easy German. Alexa is a co-founder of traduko cooperative, a language service provider based in Zurich, where she works as a part-time translator, audio describer and subtitler.


Check Alexa’s work related to the BFC project in the Publications page