UNIGE - FTI - Department of Translation Technology

Irene Strasly

Irene Strasly

Doctoral Researcher




Irene Strasly holds a Master in specialized translation delivered by the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting in Geneva. Since september 2013, she works as teaching assistant at the Italian Unit of our Faculty and collaborates with the Department of Translation Technology.

She is now coordinating together with Professor Pierrette Bouillon a project on sign language machine translation, the Trainslate Project, financed by Raiffeisen, Max Bircher and TeamCo foundations. This project is a collaboration with the University of Zurich and the S5 Association. In the Trainslate project we aim at automatically translating train announcements of the Swiss Federal Railways (Chemins de Fer Fédéraux, CFF) in Swiss-French Sign Language through a signing virtual avatar.

Irene also carries on corpora analysis of International Sign as a lingua franca and studies linguistic challenges related to translation in a signed language (lexical variation and change, new signs).


Check Irene’s work related to the BFC project in the Publications page


UNIGE - FTI - Department of Translation Technology